May is a beautiful month for people in the south; the weather will stay cool for another month, gardens will bloom, and we will have the opportunity to make all of our mothers feel special on Mother’s Day. Unfortunately, each year in the south, nature bestows its gift on each of our mothers in the form of swarming termites.

Termite mating season begins in mid-May, and Mother’s Day occurs right in the middle of it. In Mississippi, termites swarm can be seen in late April to mid-May, usually a week or two before Mother’s Day. A new swarm appears every few days at unpredictable intervals. While the swarms, noise, and general ickiness are all issues, this time of year can provide you with an excellent opportunity to locate the nest and eliminate the colony.

This article will discuss which termites are prone to swarming during Mother’s Day in Mississippi, as well as what you can do to protect your home against termite infestation.

Mississippi Termite Types

There are many different types of termite species found all over the world. However, their common denominator is that their colonies are divided into three basic castes:

  • Workers
  • Soldiers
  • Reproductive (kings, queens, and secondaries)

In Mississippi, three major termite species are commonly found.

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites are specialized castes of social insects that reside in underground colonies. They range in color from creamy white to dark brown/black and are 3/8-inch in length. Subterranean termites, more than any other termite species, can cause the most damage. To reach food sources and defend themselves from the outside air, these termites construct characteristic tunnels known as “mud tubes”. Subterranean termites can wreak havoc on a building’s structure over time, leading to its eventual collapse.

Subterranean Termite Control

Avoid accumulating water around the home’s foundation since Subterranean termites are drawn to moisture. Make sure your downspouts, gutters, and splash blocks are in good working order that will divert water away from your home. Wood scraps and discarded lumber should never be buried in the yard. Make sure to seal cracks and crevices in the home’s foundation.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites feed on dry wood, such as the framing in attics. They can be transported to other sites inside the house if people move infested furniture, picture frames, and other dry wood items. Drywood termites range in color from creamy white to light brown and measure 3/8 to 1 inch in length. After a dramatic temperature rise, dry wood termites frequently swarm on sunny, warm days. Drywood termites can eat their way through support beams, flooring, and walls, requiring costly repairs.

Drywood Termite Control

Drywood termites can be avoided by keeping outside dry woods, such as firewood and scrap wood, at least 20 feet away from the house. Bring dry woods inside the house with caution because they may be infested, allowing termites to enter your home and infest other dry wood furnishings. Sealing all gaps and crevices around the foundation of the structure is another Drywood termite control strategy. Inspect the property for signs of Drywood termites regularly, giving specific attention to window and doorframes, trim, eaves, siding, and attics.

Formosan Termites

Formosan termites are a subterranean termite species that are usually found infesting Mississippi during Mother’s Day. They are notable for chewing through wood, flooring, and even wallpaper. Being the most voracious and aggressive type of termites, Formosan Termites are commonly referred to as “super termites.” Their whole length, including their wings, is around 5/16 inches (14-15mm). Their bodies range in color from pale yellow to brownish-yellow. Their wings are transparent and heavily coated in tiny hairs. It’s also important to note that Formosan termites are frequently mistaken for flying ants. The best method to tell them apart is to look at their waists, which are broad in termites and slender in flying ants.

Formosan Termite Control

Homeowners should consider arranging a professional termite check once a year to avoid a future Formosan termite infestation. However, certain things may be done both inside and outside the house, beginning with removing moisture sources. Crawl spaces, attics, and basements should all have lower humidity levels. With correctly working downspouts, gutters, and splash blocks outside, drain water away from the home’s foundation to avoid Formosan termite access. It’s also a good idea to check the foundation of the house for mud tubes, visibly damaged wood, and wood that sounds hollow when tapped regularly.

Hire a Termite Control Professional

Orkin is a renowned pest control business and a top-ranked termite company that builds a termite treatment plan that is personalized to your home. Here in Mississippi, we are proud to say we are locally owned.  Over the years, Orkin has changed the lives of Mississippi residents by providing exceptional customer service and high-quality pest control results. Orkin uses the Sentricon Bait System and traditional termite treatment methods that have been proven to be the most efficient in eliminating termite infestations.

Orkin is dedicated to protecting Mississippi residents from hungry, destructive termites. Especially in Hattiesburg, Laurel, McComb, Brookhaven, and the Natchez area, Orkin is offering professional and outstanding services.

Orkin is currently providing a $250 discount on a new termite contract. Pest coupons are accessible for their services, allowing you to save money while receiving high-quality service. You may take advantage of our termite coupons and be certain that an expert will assess your property and design a long-term treatment plan to keep termites at bay not just on Mother’s Day, but all year long!